Cape Cod Roller Derby is committed to providing an environment for Members, volunteers, and affiliated officials that is comfortable, safe and free from harassment or discriminatory practices of any kind. Any type of harassment is a violation of this policy and may result in expulsion from the organization or other disciplinary action by the Board, and/or additional legal actions. At any time during the process, the Membership Director reserves the right to expedite the process outlined below, or contact outside experts or authorities.
Harassment can take many forms. It may be, but is not limited to, the following: words, signs, jokes, pranks, intimidation, physical contact, or violence. Harassment does not have to be sexual in nature. Most importantly, it is not the intent of the offender that determines if harassment has occurred but whether the behavior is welcome by the receiver.
The following list of behaviors are deemed harassment by the League. Please note, this list is not exhaustive and is only offered by way of example:
Bullying or Hazing
Bullying or Hazing is any behavior, deliberate or otherwise, which may be characterized as offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behavior, an abuse or misuse of power through means intended to undermine, humiliate, denigrate or injure the recipient.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual Harassment is any behavior, deliberate or otherwise, may be defined as any form of unwanted verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature that creates an intimidating, hostile, degrading or offensive environment.
Harassment on the grounds of race, culture, color, or nationality:
Harassment on the ground of race, culture, color, or nationality is any behavior, deliberate or otherwise pertaining to race, color, nationality - including citizenship, or ethnic or national origins, which is directed at an individual or group and which is found to be offensive or objectionable to recipients and which creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment.
Harassment on Grounds of Sexual Orientation:
Harassment on the grounds of sexual orientation is any behavior, deliberate or otherwise, pertaining to unfairly treating someone based on sexual orientation. Any harassment or differential treatment based on someone's perceived or actual orientation is behavior which can be defined as unwanted conduct violating a person’s dignity, or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.
Harassment on Grounds of Gender Identity or Gender Expression:
Harassment on grounds of Gender Identity/Expression is any behavior, deliberate or otherwise, pertaining to unfairly treating someone based on Gender Identity or Expression. These behaviors may include failing to use an individual’s preferred name or pronoun, refusing individuals to utilize single-sex facilities, stereotyping, imposing gender-based uniforms or grooming standards, or any other type of discriminatory harassment.
Harassment on the Grounds of Disability:
Harassment on the grounds of disability is any behavior, deliberate or otherwise, pertaining to unfairly treating a person who has has a physical or mental impairment, learning difficulty or disfigurement.
Harassment on the Grounds of Age:
Harassment on the grounds of age is any behavior, deliberate or otherwise, pertaining to unfairly treating or discriminating against a person based on their age.
Harassment on the Grounds of Religion:
Harassment on the grounds of Religion is any behavior, deliberate or otherwise, pertaining to mistreating a person based on their religious or spiritual beliefs or affiliations. Religious harassment or discrimination is defined as treating a person or group differently based on their religion/denomination.
Conduct prohibited by these policies are unacceptable in any capacity while involved with or representing the Cape Cod Roller Derby.
Any member of the league who believes they are a victim of harassment should immediately report such actions to in accordance with the Grievance Process. If the Member feels that immediate intervention is necessary during practice or event, report the incident to any Board member, head Official, Coaching staff, or team Captain.
At any time a Member feels that their personal safety or the safety of others are in immediate danger, do not hesitate to get to safe place and call the police. The immediate safety and security of our Members take precedence over any organization policy.
As a Member, I will...
Be respectful to my leaguemates, teammates, coaches, officials and visiting individuals
I will not shy away from difficult conversations - but I will engage in conflict in a kind, professional, and constructive way.
Remain open and receptive to constructive criticism and feedback
Make my best effort to be at all practices possible. I will be on time to practice, be present from start to finish, keep my side conversations to a minimum, and give 100% of my attention and effort to the coach and the task at hand.
Leave my stresses and problems at the door and bring my best self
Take the time to get to know my fellow members and volunteers
Challenge myself and those around me from a place of encouragement and goodwill, not discouragement or intimidation
Do my part to help the organization to continue, to grow, and thrive by staying active in a committee, attending events, and supporting CCRD initiatives